Camilla Bundgaard via

Wild #Resistance

Participatory Ecology means Always Resisting

Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2017


The Political Machine opposes Nature.

This goes beyond the obvious crimes the current administration plans to commit against the environment, National Parks, the climate, sustainable energy, etc.

Remember: Nature isn’t Something you Go To.

Nature isn’t just a collection of biosystems outside of your house; it’s a process in which entities participate. Nature is an “exchange of goods and services” via a network of nodes and connections.

The Political Machine is trying to get you to forget that. Trump and the Crowd of Unspeakable Adversaries in his camp — no matter their national affiliation — don’t think they have to participate in this process. They believe that they get to dictate how this process works.

So, we have to #Resist.

This doesn’t just mean that we have to go to protests, call our Congresspeople, organize meetings with like-minded resistors. It means we have to #Resist every single second of every single day. This sounds hard and overwhelming, but a lot of you are already doing it.

A while ago, we established seven Ethics for Participatory Ecology.

The Ethics for a Participatory Ecology are also a Blueprint for Resistance.

When you participate in your biosystem — in Nature — you contribute to the value of the connections and exchanges of mutually beneficial services in that system. Valuable Systems — be they forests, cities, workplaces, rivers, the ‘soil food web’ — consist of entities working together to benefit all of the individual parts of the system.


We are all participants in our biosphere, and should participate as fully as possible. For some people, this might be running for office. For some people it might be attending every march. For others, it might be sharing an insightful message on Social Media. For still others, it might simply be the act of not falling apart in the face of despair. What counts is the worldview of participation.

One bee with one grain of pollen can become an entire field of dandelions.

Three tweets from a rogue National Park Service account, for example.


Acting on one part of the biosphere impacts all other parts. Therefore, do as little harm as possible when interacting with fellow organisms. One of the hallmarks of the current Regime is base and wanton cruelty. By acting kindly, we #resist that cruelty, even if our act is as simple as a smile to a kid, or a little extra tip for our server, or a boop on a doggo’s snoot.


Learn and observe prior to action, think and consider prior to activity. Education isn’t a TED talk; education means awareness. Use your ears, your eyes, your nose to ensure you’re acting deliberately. Learn from other people who have experience. LISTEN**, but also teach when asked.

Gary Bendig,


Every species in a biosphere has the right of self-determination and our actions should impinge upon that right as little as possible. Question your assumptions; check your privilege. Ask yourself, no matter your landscape,what the value is in the terms “invasive species,” “immigrants,” “refugees.”


Take and leave only what is absolutely needed. Allow the possibility for new growth in the places you walk. Buy organic if you can afford it. Determine what is sufficient for you. If you have too much, give it to others. Share the surplus. Remember, in a Valuable System — think the forest — nothing is wasted.


Act as stewards of all of the places in the biosphere, be they urban or “wild” or in between. Remove the unhealthy and encourage the healthy. Care for others, but also for yourself. Care for strangers who don’t have the same privileges you do. Block trolls. Call out the haters, and if you see something, say something.


Share these ethics with other organisms. None of us are alone, regardless of the odious walls between us. Do magic together, even — especially — if they try to tell you that magic isn’t real.

Let the malevolent Adversaries stew within the bowels of their Cold Sweat Lodges. No matter the chains, no matter the prisons, no matter the decimation, you are one of the Good People, and wield the True Power.

Make your #Resistance WILD by making it NATURAL. Participate in your ecology and you will be participating in the Resistance!

*Exceptions may be made in the case of Nazis. Your mileage may vary.

**This especially applies for white people.



Plants, Permaculture, Foraging, Food, and Paranormality. Resident Animist at Liminal.Earth