Dom Winter Qtr 2015 Self-Eval

Invisible College
Published in
1 min readApr 2, 2015

Working with fellow student’s and field supervisor Paul Pham this past quarter on the Global Learning Xprize was a really great experience. Unlike most traditional classrooms I received hands on experience at the Invisible College taking on daily assignments to contribute to the Global Learning Xprize project. Along side front-end web development activities such as HTML/CSS and Javascript programming I also receive a nice dose of Software Architecture and Javascript data structures. I also wrote weekly blogs to account my learning for the week on each of these subjects. Midway through the quarter I released that my Javascripting needed more improvement. Thus i began schools learning tutorials which really helped me gain a solid understating of basic Javascripting and more advanced aspects such as HTTP server client relations.

In summary this quarter’s learning and achievement have been great to experience and I come away with a much greater understanding of web development then I had coming in. I want to thank my field supervisor Dr. Paul Pham for the great efforts he personally put in this quarter, breaking new grounds in education and also inviting me to the Invisible College. Also Richard Weiss my Evergreen faculty sponsor this quarter for accepting our contract offers and being our guiding hand along the way.

Thank You



Invisible College

Student of The one and only Invisible College