The ultimate reverse-sell.

Francis Pedraza
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2018

Don’t join my company. I am building a cult.

Don’t do it.
1. Don’t do it if you want a job. This is not a job. Don’t do it if you want cash. Although you’ll earn more equity here than anywhere else (stage-adjusted), you’ll make less cash here than anywhere else.
2. Don’t do it because you want a balanced life: you’re going to work harder here than you’ve ever worked before.
3. Don’t do it because you want to work at a safe company like Google or Airbnb with hyper-conformist beliefs. Don’t do it because you want to be a nice employee and have a nice career.
4. Don’t do it because you want venture socialism: paternity leave, sushi and all the benefits — but no real equity.
5. Don’t do it because you’re a rocketship-chaser, and you want to see how it goes. Don’t do it if it sounds like an interesting idea that might work.
6. Don’t do it if your risk-adjusted, expected-value equation works out. Don’t do it for any practical reason. Romantic decisions should never be made based on a net-present-value formula.
7. Don’t do it because you feel your employer owes you something.

Don’t do it because of what Invisible will do for you.
Do it because of what you will do for Invisible.
1. Do it because you want real equity with no guaranteed compensation. Do it because you want your salary tied to profits. Do it because you want to be an owner and burn the ships. Do it because you want to take insane risks and seek insane rewards.
2. Do it because you want to work for a challenger brand that actually thinks different and is starting a capitalist worker’s revolution.
3. Do it because you want to debate but ultimately execute; disagree until you agree so strongly you can build something pure, that lasts, together.
4. Do it because you want to do something on the edge of hard and impossible. Do it if you are the unstoppable force seeking an immoveable object. You want to see what you’re made of. Do it if you want to test your limits: your ability to create order in chaos, to operate under extreme stress, to achieve impossible goals.
5. Do it because you’re tired of proving to the world that you’re normal, and you want permission to be crazy and express yourself. Do it because you want to give and receive unedited feedback, expect direct conversations, get to the bottom of things, speak your mind, and cut out the bullshit.
6. Do it because you believe in what we believe. Every organization is religious and political in nature. You’ve been looking for an intellectual and spiritual home. If this is a cult, this is your cult — and you want to build it. If this is a lie, it is the best search for the truth you’ve found. Do it because you want to do what we’re doing — you need to be obsessed, not just about the ideas, but about the work itself. About craft, discipline, sacrifice, and the search for perfection, for the company as applied truth, as incarnate idea.
7. Do it if you’ve done your homework, read everything you can about the company, asked every hard question you could think of, thought about everything that could go wrong — and still couldn’t say no.
8. Do it because you want your boss’s job, and your boss’s boss’s job, and so on. Do it because you think like a CEO. Do it because, there’s a chip on your shoulder, you’re not a victim but you do have something to prove. Do it because you want to be aggressively challenged to rise to ever-higher levels of greatness. Do it because you have unlimited ambition, so you want unlimited responsibility.
9. Do it because you want to create a place to do your best work. Do it because you want to earn a chance to play your best game. Do it because you seek aristeia from the bottom of your heart.
10. Do it for the ideas, for the mission, for the vision. At our best, we are servants of, vessels of, channels for, agents of — ideas. May the gods come down and dwell among us; the kingdom of heaven is at hand! Do it because you want to unlock human potential by automating repetitive digital work. Do it because you want to build the world’s first digital assembly line. Do it because you want to build Uber for digital services and Amazon for labor. Do it because you want the capitalist worker’s revolution to succeed, so that 70% of the world can enter the digital class. Do it because of the deflationary gospel: better, faster, cheaper! Do it because you personally want a synthetic intelligence. Do it because you want to solve the biggest problem in the world: wasted time. Do it if you want humans to spend less time doing robotic jobs, and more time being creative and strategic. Do it because you believe that automation is a good thing. Do it if you believe inefficiency is a tragedy. That civilization is in danger because it isn’t building the future fast enough, and has lost a vision of itself as heaven-on-earth, and of man as the superman.

Would you answer the call?

I have nothing to offer but blood, sweat and tears.
— Churchill

“MEN WANTED for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success.”
— Shackleton

Certainty of death.
Small chance of success.
What are we waiting for!?
— Gimli

