10 Habits That May Be Worsening Your Anxiety

Don’t forget a helping of avocado this morning

Fleurine Tideman
Published in
10 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo: Ricards Zalmezs / Unsplash

To an anxiety sufferer, it can seem crazy to imagine that there are people who don’t feel this way. Who enter social situations with ease and didn’t plan conversations and talking points on the way over. Who doesn’t lie in bed thinking of the worst things that could possibly happen or get struck with terror for no discernable reason?

Do these people really exist? I’ve met some, but I just can’t imagine it, as anxiety has been a black cloud over my life.

If you suffer from anxiety, you would likely do almost anything to reduce it. You should always seek treatment for it from a licensed professional, and the tips in this article don’t intend to compensate for that. These are merely additional prompts to controlling and reducing your anxiety and ensuring that you’re not worsening it without realising.

1. Your coffee intake

I’ll start with the most obvious, the one you’ve probably heard before. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that your coffee intake could be worsening your anxiety. Coffee is a stimulant and increases your heart rate and feeling of alertness. That’s why we drink it, right?



Fleurine Tideman

Freelance copywriter. SEO marketer. Aspiring novelist. Top Writer in Mental Health. Writing the articles I once needed. My newsletter: https://bit.ly/3FZCJJx