10 Mental Health Apps for Kids
Making life easier for all, on a lockdown and beyond
Featured in the Monday State of Mind newsletter: the weekly update for dealing with our minds in challenging times.
Whether in a home-schooling pandemic lockdown or not, the way we deal with emotions, feelings and irrational behaviours are what dictate everything in our lives; and yet, its the only thing we aren’t taught about in school.
The behaviours and mindset we develop in childhood, are what stay with us well into adulthood. Many of us had to learn this the hard way, hitting a quarter-life crisis and starting a journey of self-reflection, that would’ve been much better done years earlier.
Fortunately, with our greater understanding of the mind has come advances in technology, to allow us to pass such learnings onto the next generation. For them, it’ll provide a new way of thinking for now the the future. For parents, it might even make their lives a little easier too…especially when stuck at home in isolation for a few months.
Below is a list of apps designed to help children understand and quieten their minds, build emotional intelligence and learn practical tools that will help them to deal with the ups and downs of life — which they can take way beyond a coronavirus quarantine and onto the rest of their lives.
As I’m sure it’s unnecessary to say, please make sure to try any of these apps yourself and become comfortable with how they work, before introducing them to your little sprogs.
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame helps kids aged 2–5 learn to deal with frustrating situations, by helping a Sesame Street monster calm down and solve everyday challenges. They’ll learn to take long, deep belly breaths to calm down, think how to handle a problem, then do those things; developing resilience as they overcome frustrations and challenges on their own.
Free on iOS and Android
Calm for kids
Available on the kids category of the Calm app, offering beginners’ meditation exercises and bedtime stories specifically designed to calm the mind, which families can do together.
Included in paid monthly subscription on iOS and Android
Chill Panda
Chill Panda uses breathing techniques to help children relax more, worry less and feel better overall, measuring their heart rate and suggesting tasks to suit their state of mind. NHS-approved.
Free on iOS and Android
The DreamyKid meditation app offers meditation, guided visualization and affirmations curated just for children & teens. It uses proven techniques that teach your kids methods to guide them towards a happier life through mindfulness.
Free on iOS and Android
The eQuoo app uses adventure games designed by psychologists to help increase emotional fitness and teach new psychological skills — learning how to communicate more effectively and maintain mental wellbeing. NHS-approved.
Free (iOS & Android)
Headspace for Kids
Available to all Headspace subscribers, kids aged 5–12 (and their parents) can enjoy fun, engaging activities that teach them the basics of mindfulness. They’ll practice breathing exercises, visualizations and even try some focus-based meditation.
Included in paid subscription on iOS and Android
Mind Moose
Mind Moose takes children aged 7–12 on a fun, interactive journey to learn about mental wellbeing, their minds and the practical tools they can use to help navigate through life’s ups and downs, understand themselves and improve relationships with others.
Paid annual subscription + free resources. Accessed online.
Positive Penguins
The four positive Penguins take kids on an interactive journey to help them understand that feelings arise from thinking, and if they challenge their negative thoughts successfully, it can change how they feel.
$0.99 on iOS & Andriod
Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a mindfulness-based app to help people of all ages from 7 years+, to deal pressure, stress, and challenges of daily life. Now featuring Thrive Inside, a special initiative to help stay calm and healthy in the physical constraints of your home, while remaining calm and healthy inside your mind.
Free on iOS & Android
Worrinots lets primary age children send a written or recorded message to one of four characters, who help to take away any anxieties or stresses they may be facing. Designed to provide an outlet for children to talk about their feelings, which can be monitered by parents.
Free on iOS & Android
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