13 Things Anyone Healing From Trauma Needs To Hear

Small tips that can help you move ahead in a healthy direction

Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Published in
7 min readMar 24, 2022



Trauma doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care how old we are, or if we grew up wealthy or poor. It doesn’t care about our political or sexual orientation, and it doesn’t care what gender we identify with. Trauma can run in families as identified by inter-generational trauma, or it can be specific to one person within a family.

It may be the outcome of an isolated event such as a natural disaster or a sexual assault, or it may be the product of growing up with malignant narcissistic parents where we were dismissed, beaten, shamed, or not allowed a voice.

A common reaction to having experienced childhood trauma, is that we may find ourselves stuck repeating what’s “comfortable” or “familiar” by unconsciously attracting more narcissistic and abusive relationships in our lives while abandoning ourselves in the process. This is especially common if we haven’t taken the necessary steps in educating ourselves on red flags, shame-based trauma responses and cycles that perpetuate trauma.

Although trauma affects us all differently, there are several important tips that I’ve learned over the years that I believe anyone in the stages of healing can benefit from hearing.



Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Invisible Illness

Psychologist. Certified Trauma & Relationship Specialist. This is my only account.