3 Proven Ways To Evolve Your Relationship Towards Mental Health

Supportive mental health structures are vital to living well, happy, and whole.

Justin H. Lee
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readAug 11, 2021


Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

During times of distress, I find it helpful to remind myself that what I’m going through, how I’m feeling, the struggle, challenge, and frustration of it all, is normal.

Normal in the sense that how I feel is most likely how anyone in my situation would feel.

As humans living our modern lives, I find we aren’t always so good at keeping a hopeful perspective and balanced vision, especially when things get tough.

We see what is in front of us, and it can often feel like this moment is all there is or all there ever will be.

Let’s Talk Mental Health

I believe we all benefit from speaking more openly about mental health.

It’s ok to struggle, it’s ok to ask for help, and it’s also ok to not be ok, or even just ok. Sometimes all we need is a willing ear and an open heart to unlock the process of release and relief.

Allowing ourselves permission for a more meaningful perspective towards mental health can be tricky, though. We don’t want to delude ourselves…



Justin H. Lee
Invisible Illness

Human/Being • Expat in Asia • Connection Facilitator • Slightly Angsty • Writes on Mental Health, Relationship Dynamics, Man Stuff, and Heart-Forward Leadership