4 Tips for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is unavoidable for some, but these tips will help you manage

Caleb Mackie
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2020


Anxiety is unavoidable for most people, but it does not have to control every aspect of your life. Typically when people discuss anxiety, they focus on the mental aspects of it. We frequently overlook the physical parts of anxiety that are further hindering our minds. The most essential way to take on any sort of mental illness is to be at your best physically and mentally. I have created a list of the four most critical things a person must work on to control their anxiety best.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Rest more

I know this one sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. Sleep is where the body and the mind go to repair itself. It is the number one crucial thing for your body and your mind to be at its best. Some of you may be thinking to yourself, “Is this guy serious? Everyone knows they need sleep.” — This is true, but people do not take their sleep seriously enough. Getting enough rest is not just something your body will regulate naturally. Some people say it is impossible to fall asleep at any time before 2 am for them. Excluding clinical conditions, I feel that anyone is capable of…



Caleb Mackie
Invisible Illness

Part-time writer, full-time dreamer. Working every day towards my dream to write for a living.