4 Ways to Silence Your Demons and Finally Be Happy

No matter how many times you’ve tried before, do me a favor and try one more time

Dawn Bevier
Published in
6 min readDec 29, 2021


Image by mariesacha on Abode Stock.com

Yesterday, I was in the bathtub, and I noticed the water wouldn’t drain. So, I investigated.

When I put my finger in the drain hole, I could feel mounds of goopy, slime-covered hair. I pulled out clumps and clumps of these hairballs, a strange mixture of my fifteen-year-old daughter’s ebony hair intertwined with my own blonde tresses.

But for all my pulling (and gagging), the hair went much deeper than I could scoop out.

And at that moment, I saw myself in that drain.

I saw how much-clogged waste I’d stuffed down deep inside of me through the years. And I knew the truth was that unless I worked on cleaning out my emotional sewer, I’d never be truly free.

For example, I knew I had to make peace with my father’s cancer. I knew I had to come to terms with my age and the changes it’s causing in my life and appearance. I knew I had to overcome the inescapable need for validation that has driven most of my life. I knew I had to release myself from old dreams of what might have been, nagging regrets about what no longer is, and lingering fears of what may be in the future.

