4. You Always Keep the Change

Mina Demian
Invisible Illness
1 min readApr 21, 2017


The cap is on too tightly
the fizz is bubbling madly
at the top

I can’t take this pressure
My brain is whirring
I want to be safe
in their embrace

I have one last coin
in my pocket
Standing before the machine
from whence I came
the slot takes my coin
The machine grumbles
It pushes out abuse
though it’s drowned out
by the carbonated dissent
in my head

There’s no expression on
the machine’s face
as it takes my last coin
and continues its blank stare
not hearing the whirring

You always keep the change.

This is a part of a series called The Suicide Diaries.



Mina Demian
Invisible Illness

Artist. Musician. Writer. Music Producer. Songwriter. Full-Stack Engineer.