5 Quotes From BoJack Horseman That’ll Make You Rethink Your Life Choices

Marvi Masud
Invisible Illness
4 min readAug 17, 2019


My 20-year old cousin raved about the show.

I didn’t think much of it at the beginning but I was curious enough to give it a shot. One or two episodes in, I couldn’t help but wonder how BoJack reminded me of someone. To give you some context, I grew up watching a lot of Full House. I loved Danny. And thus began an embarrassingly long, in-depth character analysis of a fictional character. The more I read, the more intrigued I was. You can’t help but admit it, there’s something incredibly fascinating about a flawed character. They reel you in. It’s depressing but it gives you a much-needed outlook on your own life.

Here are some depressingly profound quotes from the show that may set you off but offer some perspective at the same time:

1. “I’m not going to give you closure, you don’t get that.”

I’m going to start with perhaps the most downright depressing dialogue exchange from Season 1. The moment between BoJack and his cancer-stricken friend Herb who BoJack backstabbed and abandoned for 20-long years. I may be wrong, but in all my 26 years of existence, I’ve learned that apologies must suffice one purpose only.

If you’re apologizing just to make yourself feel better, it shows, clearly. And while sometimes the other person may comply, you are certainly not entitled to somebody’s forgiveness. You can, however, change your actions. Or you could continue with the same self-destructing spree, the choice here is yours, really.

2. “You’re the tar pit.”

It’s easy to run away from commitments, places, and people… running away from yourself, yeah, not so much. We have watched BoJack do it multiple times, affirming his fear of being born with a leak through which all goodness has slowly slipped out.

Running away is easy. Bettering yourself is not.

3. “But in real life, the big gesture isn’t enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good. You need to do it every day, which is so… hard.”

Being dependable is the most underrated quality ever. Period.

But that dependability is exactly what you need to stay grounded. BoJack didn't grow up with dependable parents. In fact, we have yet to see any grown-up (tbh, role models are far fetched anyway) who may have positively influenced the protagonist’s life while he was still a child. And that’s… sad.

Dependability is the foundation of any solid relationship. Despite how angry you may be, if you’re in a position of responsibility, you need to show up. Everyday. The big gestures aren't enough if you miss out on the mundane perks of everyday life.

4. “What more do you want?! What else could the Universe possibly owe you?”

This was possibly one of the most profound exchanges we’ve seen between BoJack Horseman and Mr. Peanutbutter (yes, that’s his actual name.)

To this, BoJack replies, “I… want to feel good about myself. The way you do. And I don’t know how. I don’t know if I can.”

There are no spoilers on how to lead life. It’s all about the attitude. And regardless of how we may feel, the universe really doesn't owe you a thing.

5. “Back in the ‘90s, I was in a very famous TV show.”

With each episode, we are exhaustively reminded of BoJack’s past successes.

Money, fame… these are all arbitrary possessions that don’t necessarily define or even reflect the worth of life. At least not to yourself. Sad and intoxicated, BoJack is often irritable by his inability to be… happy.

At a cursory view, BoJack seems to have it all. But based on his own experiences, he seems to think that everybody around him would be better off without him. And that cements the realization that maybe, your life isn't as miserable as you think it is, maybe it’s just you.

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Marvi Masud
Invisible Illness

I’m a young freelance writer and content marketer. My interests include learning new stuff, reading memoirs, and pretty much life in general.