6 Quotes That Help Me Live With Mental Illness

Whenever I feel I’m losing sight of the bigger picture, these words of wisdom bring me back on track

Chandrayan Gupta
Invisible Illness
Published in
8 min readFeb 11, 2023


Photo by razi pouri on Unsplash

For ten of my soon-to-be twenty-four years on this earth, I’ve grappled with mental illness. Although my symptoms have abated gradually over the past four years I still have periods when my being feels overwhelmed, weighed down by the shockingly oppressive depression. Until 2020, I also had to contend with ravaging and acutely draining panic attacks.

There were times when I lost focus. When I felt like the lowest person alive. When I froze, paralyzed, unable to overcome the past. When life seemed without meaning. A senseless miasma of pain and misery. And every time the following quotes restored in me the will to fight, to keep going.

Some capture how I want to be remembered, the person I want to become. Others are more practical. But each addresses a different facet of my mental illness and reminds me why I want to keep living in the first place. I hope they shall play a similar role in your life.

“This Too Shall Pass” — Persian Adage

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my decade-long struggle, it’s that nothing, including mental illness, is permanent. Sure, sometimes…



Chandrayan Gupta
Invisible Illness

2x Psychological Crime Thriller Author | 415+ Articles Across 10+ Publications on Medium | Instagram: chandrayan_gupta