8 Signs You Have Unhealed Trauma

Healing from trauma takes time, like any other form of pain, but it is important.

Invisible Illness
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Trauma. Often a result of an overwhelming amount of stress. A death of a loved one or an end to a meaningful relationship, these can all lead to Trauma. Pretending that everything is fine when in reality, nothing is. When you don’t have a healthy way to deal with trauma, you can start to repress your negative emotions. It can be hard to recognize unresolved trauma on the surface and especially in ourselves.

1. Low self-esteem

There are many different ways that trauma can skew your self-image, usually if it is rooted in your early childhood experiences. Neglect and abandonment can lead you down of path of questioning your self-worth. Struggling to feel good about yourself when someone you love inflicts harm upon you. Studies have shown that patients with PTSD can have very low self-esteem and also have feelings of worthlessness.

2. Resisting positive Change

Being suspicious of positive change can be a sign. Whenever something good comes into your life you automatically feel shame or guilt to celebrate. Being unable to accept positive change and even resisting it because inside…



Hugo Li
Invisible Illness

Climate Change Enthusiast. Melbourne, Australia. Student Writer. Sports Obsessed.