A List Of Things To Do Before Taking Your Own Life

Zachary Phillips
Invisible Illness
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2019


Why Not Try Them? What Have You Got To Lose?

“Before you kill yourself, try everything first”

That one piece of advice literally saved my life. It highlighted the fact that unless I try everything first, I won’t know if my situation could improve. If I was to take my own life prior, I would be throwing away the one life that I know I have for certain.

When I heard that I was at my lowest, but by following that advice, my life has made a complete 180. I went from an anxious, depressed and suicidal wreck, into someone who can hold down a job, release multiple podcasts and books, supports his family, and on the path towards his dreams.

I went from a place of barely surviving to passionately thriving.

Was it easy? No of course not. It took time and many failures and setbacks. Mental health is an ongoing process — but it is one that is certainly worth it.

So, please, before you take your own life, before you do something you can’t take back, try all of the following (as well as anything that I missed) first.

The list:
— Quit the job
— Sell the house
— Travel
— Ask that person out
— Break up with your partner
— Go…



Zachary Phillips
Invisible Illness

Intuitive Guide. Poet. Shadow Hunter. Coach. I help entrepreneurs navigate dark nights of the soul & find peace.