‘A Shark Just Ran Off With My Leg! HELP. HELP!! I’m Bleeding!!”…No you’re not bleeding.

Michelle Monet
Invisible Illness


Living in a Family of Denial

“woman standing at beach beside shark signage” by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

My 86 year old dad is dying. He is in an Assisted Living place now.

He was always a man of denial. He denied anything painful in his life. He was a party animal. The party might be over now for him because he recently had 4 strokes and his health has gone way down.

Recently my 60 year old sister went to him saying she was so depressed that she might be suicidal.

He said ‘Nah — you’re fine’.


Its dawned on me as he ends his life how much he has denied his feelings and negative emotions all his life.

Whenever I went to him as a child or even adult with something scary or depressing he would say happy -go- lucky denying comments. I always felt dismissed, not heard or validated. He’d throw out:

Tomorrows another day.

It will all be better in the morning.

Just go take a walk.

Your so talented.

You’ll figure it out.

No. You’re fine.

Or he would make a joke. He was and still is a jokester.



Michelle Monet
Invisible Illness

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com