Happiness in a Modern World

Amazing Stoic Path to True Joy

There’s a way to achieve true happiness without disconnecting from our modern lives.

Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2023


Three girls are having fun in a sunflower field.
Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

Those ancient Greek and Roman thinkers held that the key to a good life was mastering one’s emotions and focusing on what one can control rather than what one cannot. Their philosophy, which dates back over two millennia, may seem outdated and irrelevant to our modern lives, but I’m here to tell you that it is still very much relevant today.

In this witty exploration, I’ll delve into the wisdom of Seneca, a Roman statesman, and philosopher, to uncover how his Stoic principles can lead to a happier modern life. So buckle up and get ready to embrace a new perspective on happiness with everyday examples and practical tips!

Embrace Negative Visualization

Seneca once said, “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” Our minds tend to drift towards worst-case scenarios, leaving us anxious and stressed. Negative visualization, a Stoic exercise, involves intentionally contemplating the worst that could happen to appreciate better what we already have. While this might sound counterintuitive, the Stoics believed that by preparing for the worst, we could better handle whatever life…



Julien Dimastromatteo, PhD
Invisible Illness

Doctor in Science | Entrepreneur | Writer | Interested in every little thing that makes life healthier.