Are You Receiving Words of Affirmation or Being Lovebombed?

How complex trauma can affect your perception of healthy connection vs. narcissistic intention.

Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Published in
8 min readAug 3, 2024



As a psychologist who specializes in working with trauma survivors and supporting their growth and empowerment, as well as having experienced my own chronic trauma, this article is very close to me. I know firsthand the aftermath in feeling unseen, unheard, mistreated, misunderstood, and invalidated. I know the pain that can be carried with us as a result of these traumatic experiences. And, I also relate to the core wounds that surface from adverse experiences, including the increased risk of developing complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or cPTSD. My goal of this article is to help empower you.

Many — if not most — who live with the effects of chronic relational trauma can become relationship avoidant. It is not uncommon to hear a client express that because of how profound their abusive and traumatic experiences were early in their life, that they now keep all relationships at arms-distance. Granted, most with cPTSD can spend much of their adult lives focusing on re-establishing a sense of safety in their environment. Because of these core wounds, becoming emotionally vulnerable and getting close to others is often seen as unsafe and threatening to their…



Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Invisible Illness

Psychologist. Certified Trauma & Relationship Specialist. This is my only account.