Be that artist.

Mohammedi Khan
Invisible Illness
2 min readJul 4, 2017


be an artist.
don’t be afraid.

for with your art, you might save a life.

for somewhere out there

your light brush strokes might be enlightenment,
or the reason why the shine in someone’s life returns.

let the different hues of shade do the talking.

the soft keys of a piano might be the light strumming of the chords of someone’s heart.

a chord that is signaling forgiveness, love, and a new start.

the mere truth that they might see a reflection of themselves in a song,
or the hymn of a harmonium
when nothing else seems to be speaking to them otherwise.

fall in love with an artist,
for they are truly selfless.

and truly endless.

for you might leave, but your art will always remain.

artists are selfless.
they allow themselves to feel with a full intensity so that it can bring understanding to those around them.

moments that break them,
the writer learns to break those moments
so those moments don’t break us.

they learned the hard way,
but they still let it flow from their veins to their pen

so it can become etched in the eyes and minds of the admirer —
i am with you.

be that artist.
let your art speak for you.

let your creativity remind you that this creativity is one that only you possess.
be possessive over it.
be proud of it.

be the artist that has element.
but gives enough color for that element to color the growth of another person.

for the beauty of art is in every one of us.

the power to create hidden behind scars begging to heal.
to be those scars that didn’t break you, but mended you.

the power to change this world for the better, hidden beneath just small nerves and a little bit of doubt.

just imagine if we all knew our element.

so the next time you find doubt creeping up your spine,
ask yourself again.. why am I doing this? for whom am I doing this?

and the light will save you,
I promise.

your art will save you.

be that artist.
the one that impacts.

