Beat the Winter Blues with These Plants

Marcus Griswold
Invisible Illness



We wake up, it’s dark. We finish work, look up from our computer, it’s dark. Oh, right, it’s winter.

I don’t know about you, but this dark, cold season can really get me down.

Fortunately, there are some backyard plants that you can grow and use to give you an extra pep in the dark season.

St. John’s Wort


This may be one of the most common medicinal plants you will find. Most people think it’s just a weed, so it will probably grow well in your backyard medicinal plant garden throughout much of the U.S., as well as Europe, Asia and North Africa.

This might be one of those super herbs. Its been long used to treat depression. The tea has been used for bladder ailments, depression, anxiety, nervous tension, dysentery, diarrhea, worms, tuberculosis, stomach cancer, herpes, and hemorrhoids.

For getting rid of those winter blues, St. Johns Wort contains hypericin, hyperiforin, and melatonin. This trio can be more powerful than antidepressants from your pharmacy. It can lower lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol and enhances the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)…



Marcus Griswold
Invisible Illness

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