Photo by Jennifer Burk on Unsplash

Body Please Forgive Me

Brianna R Duffin
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018


I know I promised I would never do this again,

And I know it wasn’t supposed to get like that ,

But recovery is really hard work. It’s a war.

Meanwhile I’m just a weak little girl.

Maybe you thought our days of using water as meals and ice as subsistence

Really were in the past, not in the future

But I thought we were a team here- me and you together- and you

Were supposed to (wo)man the emergency brake

In case my mind got screwed up, again, and I lost control, again.

So body forgive me

People care now that’s it’s just a few years too late

And I’ve vowed to them that I’ll communicate more

But the only way I’ve ever known to do that is to write-

Only thing is I can’t do that. I’m too scared.

What if I spill the tea and it burns someone?

What if I give you a map to the rabbit hole and you fall down it?

How can I lead when I’m haunted by the fear that some poor soul will follow?

I’ve locked up the details that people either won’t understand at all



Brianna R Duffin
Invisible Illness

I write poetry, prose, and personal pieces. All images are mine unless indicated otherwise. Feel free to leave feedback on my work anytime; I hope you enjoy.