Invisible Illness
2 min readNov 18, 2018


Waking up to a harrowing morning

With the sting of last night’s warning

Filled with pure dread and anxiety

I don’t want to open my eyes to see

Day breaking and I’m already undone

Calling out but no one will come

Perhaps today there might be sun

Then again there might be none

I can never tell what days will bring

Maybe today I might even sing

Or lie here waiting for the call

If I get up I might just fall

Some days I feel active and tall

And others I just curl up and bawl

What can I do to make this go away

So that I can live free for one day

Things change every single second

Faster, quicker than weather I reckon

I can find the stars that do beckon

Life is not over, that’s my misreckon

I can change my behaviour you see

That’s the joys of doing therapy

So I can make the best of today

And find my feeling that’s my way

I open my mouth because I want to say

That my mind does change through the day

But I can do this, I’ve got this

Maybe for one moment I’ll feel bliss

Opening my eyes up to look and see

Who I am today and who I can be

