Calculating Your Neurotypical Age

When you are autistic, numbers don’t lie

Jean Campbell
Invisible Illness
Published in
8 min readMay 16, 2024


AI image by Midjourney

“It is commonly believed that the social-emotional age of autistic people is two thirds of our biological age.” Medium article by AJ Havens.

Have you ever tested your biological age? Are those kale smoothies worth it? Maybe your body is ten years younger than your chronological age, after years of CrossFit!?

I’ve never done the test (through RealAgelessRx). I’m 58, and I’m certain it will spit out “59” as my biological age.

I can get up off the floor, and that’s good enough.

I’m more interested in my emotional age, and a better metric exists for calculating your autism and/or ADHD age.

Your A. A. A. A.

ADHD is called a developmental disorder because it creates problems growing up on schedule. The frontal lobe isn’t quite with it, so you begin to fall behind.

School feels like work, and work feels like death.

That’s because you ARE behind.

You are about 2/3rds of the age heralded by your birth certificate.

When I was a senior in high school, I didn’t go to the prom because I didn’t intuitively grasp dating. Boys…

