Cocked Guns And Cocktails: The Easter Egg Hunt No One Wanted

Domestic Abuse and Gun Violence


Freestanding wall from a collapsed building with a broken window built into it.
Photo by author: Veronica Wren

CW: Domestic violence, firearms, substance abuse

Wonderful, he’s blackout drunk again.

So begins another twisted Easter egg hunt.

The grand prize? Surviving another night with my cruel, alcoholic, gun-obsessed narcissist.

Don’t spend it all in one place.

Shotgun Start: Let the Games Begin

Some are easy to find. An AR-15 by the bed. A Remington shotgun behind the door. Another rifle under the living room couch. Pistols littering drawers in the kitchen, bathrooms, and spare room.

I move quickly and methodically, gathering as many weapons as I can carry and hiding them in our bedroom closet. It takes several trips.

Out of sight, out of mind, I hope, though I know better.

I’ve had enough practice to know it’s best to search while he’s distracted, avoiding drawing his attention and, thus, his criticism.

Number One with a Bullet: Manipulations of an Abuser

I have to give it to him; he keeps the game interesting. He buys and trades weapons with such frequency…



Veronica Wren - Trauma Sucks. Recovery Shouldn't.
Invisible Illness

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