Complex-PTSD is Caused by a War Zone of Toxicity

As I battled through complex-PTSD, why do some things trigger me into reactions I hate myself for?

Doreen Barker
Published in
6 min readOct 29, 2020


Photo by Marcus Lenk on Unsplash

Over the years and over probably hundreds of counseling sessions, I was diagnosed with complex-PTSD. Many of you know what PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is. You’ve probably heard it often associated with Veterans who have seen combat.

PTSD is typically associated with a single traumatic event or a series of traumatic events over a short window of time. Well, complex-PTSD is the result of prolonged episodes lasting years and is more interpersonal in nature. It is caused by parental abuse, sexual abuse, and repeated psychological abuse during early childhood development. You can read up more in-depth on Medical News Today, TalkSpace, and US News, all of which describe causes, symptoms, and treatments for complex-PTSD

There is a survey available to assist with the proper diagnosis as well. Unfortunately, complex-PTSD is often misdiagnosed as borderline Multiple Personality Disorder due to some similarities that manifest in how the individual handles certain emotional aspects of themselves. The survey is called an Adverse Childhood Event Survey, or ACES.



Doreen Barker

Creator of Stories of Food Production, Farm Girl, Writer of Life and Mental Health, Abuse Warrior and Mentor