Coping With Weight Gain

Eating disorders are hard. Recovery is even harder.

Emily Kate
Published in
7 min readAug 20, 2018


Gotten from Google, originally linked to

There are far, far better things ahead than we leave behind. — C.S. Lewis

Guys, I could go on for hours and hours detailing all the unpleasant side effects of recovery from an eating disorder. In fact, I have. I’ve spent more time whining about the physical and emotional fuckery that recovery has put me through than I have at my actual job in the last year. Putting it in perspective like that is pretty embarrassing, actually. But its understandable. Its understandable because coping with the onslaught of the physiological distress it all entails is a full time job. It requires every ounce of patience and strength you have within yourself, and more. It requires endless determination, trial and error, and self introspection. It is complicated and painful and ugly.

Which leads me to the point of this article: Coping with weight gain.

While primarily thought upon as something only anorexics or bulimics will have to face, its also quite common among those recovering from binge eating, EDNOS, or any other eating disorder. Normalization of eating habits after years of erratic behaviors will effect your body, there is no way around that. And even if you are medically overweight and/or a binger, its still possible for your body to be malnourished. As…

