Do Just One Small Thing for Your Trauma Today

Little by little, it all adds up to healing

Dr. Audrey
Published in
6 min readDec 21, 2020


Photo by George Bonev on Unsplash

I get it.

It’s tough to see the bright blue sky when you’re sunk in a deep black box.

Even more, it seems impossible to find the motivation to make a move. Your legs protest. Your mind resists. Stuck in shock or suffering or pain — or all three — it can be crazy hard to even face the day.

I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve hidden from the world. I’ve retreated from life. I’ve sat in a dark house with all the lights left off. I’ve not returned calls. I let the doorbell ring, unanswered.

Daily, I deal with the sudden death of my son. Any parent who has likewise had a child die will tell you this: no one should go through this. And we would wish this infinite pain on no one.

So I do get it. Trauma is tough. It isolates. It disconnects. It hurts like hell.

Worse yet, trauma comes and goes. Like that one overbearing jerk you really don’t want to see, trauma barges into your room unasked, hollering and swearing at the top of its voice. You’re too tired to yell back, or to tell it to get out.

It seems easier to fade away. To pull back. To be alone. To put everyone off, and hide from the world. After all, look what the…

