Do People Notice You?

Most of the time one person is enough. Try to make them 9.

Invisible Illness
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2020


Photo by Walter Walraven on Unsplash

It feels like you are like any ordinary person on this planet. Life comes to you in packages full of frozen feelings. It does not even warn you that your brain is fragile to receive those frozen feelings. These feelings hit you hit after another until you become socially and emotionally mature. The bad news is that they form you based on that. They come separated so you do not feel as fragile. Or they hit you hard in a very short time, it happens to the best of us. Don’t worry. As long as you can breathe, you can always fix your soul.

Ultimately, you will know the truth. You are fragile to things you don’t pay attention to.

These things are there for you. They either make you happy or sad. Alive or dead. And most importantly they tell whether you are being noticed or seen by the people around you.

But that is okay. I do not notice people too. It feels like we have to live together. No one is happy to have a fucking awful neighbor. But, sometimes, you have to. Sometimes life makes you old. I am not talking about time here. Time is not easy to be understood by many people. I talk here about believing in being old. You are never old.

Do not accept the fact you are not seen by others

But is that a bad thing? No. You have not got enough luck? Maybe. People who you have met are not good to you, maybe. They are good for themselves. And that is okay. You and I agreed we need no one but you here. When we agreed? You do not need to be selfish. You do not see me either. But that is okay. No one is obligated to notice other people. You wait for others to notice you and you fail most of the time. That is okay. It happens to the best of us.

You are a member of hundreds of millions who feel just like you. They spend their lives searching for an answer to an unknown question. It’s alright to feel that way. No one is bothered by that. Every answer you get is indirectly linked to your question. And every answer can fit in your unknown question. It is your choice to link them to your world.

But do you want to find the missing part? No? Yes? Do you think it matters? Either way, you are trapped in your interests. The chance is high you will be like this for some time. You do not need to dive into your grey dreams. The grey reality is always there for you. Remember! You do not need to be anywhere but in your very present moment.

Everything you think of is either gone or will never come true. This note is for anyone. No matter how old are you.

This is not a call for action. This is a call for calmness. Life is not as you think. You might be wrong. You might have been wrong your whole life. But that is okay. We are always subject to lies and fake events so we feel better about ourselves. That ego inside you is fragile and you need to fix it first. No one will see you unless you have your ego fixed.

This is not a call for change, Nah. It is a call for a search

Search for the true you. Treat it well. No matter how old you are, you can always fix the inner you. I can give you one piece of advice.

Give attention to anyone you want. The only rule is to give the type of attention you want to receive.

That way you can be better. I know. No one is there yet. They will come. Most of the time one person is enough for your soul. Try to make them 9. It feels even better when there are 10 of you out there.

The most beautiful feeling in the world is to give attention. It is to try hard to make certain things happen to the chosen people. It is like you become a child who runs after a beautiful butterfly and this butterfly is taking him to the amazing place down the river of their dreams. Like any other things in life.

And remember to smile to your face in the mirror. No one is there but you:

So appreciate your face. You are unique. Feel the uniqueness in your soul too. You only have one soul. As long as you breathe, you can fix it.

You do not see the result until you wait for it. I came to the conclusion that life doesn’t give anything for free. You always pay something for something. So be prepared to notice people. Not all of them. You choose. Find one. You do not have time for that? Do not lie. You always have time. You can select whomever you want.

Remember you and I have agreed on that. Your time is not only limited, but it is also fucking fast so fasten your seat and enjoy your journey. I did not review these words. They come along the way for you. Read them wisely.

Good luck!



Invisible Illness

Read my stories to get to know me better. I write about self-improvement, the environment, management & innovation.