Do You Need a Therapist or a Life Coach?

Or both?

Amanda O’Bryan
Published in
8 min readJan 2, 2020


Things just aren’t going as you had planned for your life, you’re struggling with some big decisions, or you are facing down the barrel of a big life change. Or maybe you’ve felt down for a while and aren’t sure what to do about it. Maybe you feel directionless, apathetic, bored. Whatever it is, you have made the very brave and important decision to reach out for help.

There are many reasons that we might decide to take this step. I myself have had several different therapists over the years for couples therapy, family therapy, to recover from an abusive relationship, and because I just felt like I needed some support.

Seeing someone for mental health support should be neither scary nor difficult. But the many options can be overwhelming. Not only are there a ton of different kinds of therapists out there, but there are also coaches. And not just life coaches, but job coaches, wellness coaches and just about every other type of coach you can think of.

Well, I have a Ph.D. in psychology, and I am a certified wellness coach. Hopefully, I can break it down for you in simple terms and help shed some light on this confusing topic.

But first, a caveat. Therapists and coaches are real people. Which means they have flaws and shortcomings, just like everyone else. I…

