Emergence: Why you will get better from BPD

It may take time, but remission and recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder are not only possible, they’re likely.

Kevin Redmayne
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2021


Copyright: Evgeni Tcherkasski, https://unsplash.com/photos/SHA85I0G8K4

I’d ask it a thousand times over: “How much more must I endure?” From adolescence when I first began experiencing symptoms, to early-adulthood when I was given the diagnosis. Once you slip into the vortex of Borderline Personality Disorder it seems like you’ll never get out.

Can you anchor a ship in the middle of a maelstrom? Build a house in a tornado? Getting better from BPD, a severe mental illness characterised by emotional and behavioural instability seems impossible. However, after spending fifteen years of my life in an unrelenting crisis, waking up every day feeling suicidal, the death wish began to disappear.

Statistics now back up the plethora of voices reporting the same thing: BPD remission and recovery isn’t just possible it’s likely.

The most startling discovery in psychiatry

BPD was until recently considered a dustbin diagnosis. Born out of the myth that since patients were ‘border line’ psychotic (Stern, 1938) they couldn’t be analysed. By default, this made them untreatable. In those days psychiatry was run like a racket. The…



Kevin Redmayne
Invisible Illness

Freelance journalist writing on mental health and disability. Words have the power to shine a light on realities otherwise missed.