Fighting Depression with the Help of Mother Nature

Depression doesn’t happen “to” you, but it happens “through” you

Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readNov 14, 2021


Let me explain

Imagine depression as an energy force, an invisible dark wave that attempts to envelop all positivity and hinder all light. This invisible energy force can ping pong its way around our minds, our bedrooms, and every other area of our lives — from our social connections, workplace, and even while we’re just sitting alone.

We can sit with it, let it scoot on up beside us, brushing us ever so gently and deceptively soft. We can let it remain close and dismantle our initial alarm and spidey-senses when we first felt its presence lurking nearby.

We can stifle our fire and stay quiet inside, feeling so deprived of energy and vitality that we pity the ignorant thought of not knowing what it would even look like to begin to challenge its place. We let our guards down despite our best natural inclinations to push this depression away, for its attack is not one of aggression and chaos, but a sweet poison that tastes too good and goes down smooth.

You wouldn’t drink a glass of unknown liquid gold from a stranger, would you? No, you would only feel comfortable if it was from someone you knew, who you had spent enough time with in order to…



Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Invisible Illness

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