Gangstalking: A New Type of Internet Conspiracy Cult

What happens when mental illness becomes coordinated

Ben Chapman
The Bigger Picture


You wake up, rub your eyes, and get out of bed. You pull aside your window shades to see your neighbor outside, weeding his garden.

He’s started early today. He’s doing it to taunt you. He wants to prove that he’s better than you, to make you look bad. He acts like he ignores you, but his passive aggression is blatant. You know he wants your attention, so you do your best not to give it to him.

You eat breakfast, shower, and head to work.

On the freeway, two dark SUVs pull up beside you. You check who’s in them, and there’s a person looking back at you. Staring. Waiting for you to make even a small mistake. Daring you. You focus hard on your driving, becoming acutely self-conscious. Finally, they drive off, and when they do, you look behind to see a squad car. It’s not a coincidence. You’re sure of it.

You arrive at work, but things in your office aren’t where you left them. Your garbage can is moved, your stapler is missing, and your computer is warm — as if it was just being used. Someone has been there.

Why do people do this to you? Why do they care so much about you?



Ben Chapman
The Bigger Picture

I write about politics, food, and the environment. Email me at