How My Perception Changed On What It Means to Be Disabled

From avoidance to acceptance

Samuel Dunsiger
Published in
6 min readDec 17, 2022


I was sitting at the front desk, practically shaking in fear…of the phone.

“Please don’t ring. Please don’t ring,” I told myself repeatedly.

I’m normally not afraid of inanimate objects, but for as long as I can remember, I was scared of using the phone. I avoided making and answering phone calls. If anyone asked, I used every excuse in the book.

Sorry, I didn’t hear the phone ring.

Sorry, I was in a place with bad reception.

Sorry, my phone grew arms and legs, and tried to attack me.

For people who live with disabilities — whether it is a communication disability such as stuttering or mental health struggles such as social anxiety — the fear of the phone (phonaphobia? telephobia?) can be a reality. In my case, I stutter and I have social anxiety (among other disabilities). Not everyone who stutters has social anxiety and vice-versa. But this nasty combination only intensifies my fear of using the phone.

In this case, it was August of 2009 and it was one of my first summer internships at a non-profit organization. I was eager and excited. The primary receptionist was on vacation and the interns had to fill in for her…



Samuel Dunsiger
Invisible Illness

Freelance writer, storyteller and educator. Disability and accessibility advocate. Amateur teller of jokes and comedy writer. Strongly dislikes produce bags.