How to Adapt, Evolve, and Rise Above the Stress of Uncertain Times

Building inner peace and resilience amidst changing conditions requires three key elements

Athena Milios
Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2021


Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

As the COVID-19 cases started to rise again with the omicron variant reaching my city and my university decided to terminate the rest of December’s scheduled in-person exams, I started to feel my heart pounding and my blood boiling. This can’t be happening! I thought to myself.

A few minutes later I heard the dreaded ding in my inbox from my professor. I hurriedly opened the email and felt a wave of horrified numbness wash over me when my gaze fell upon the words “the exam will be postponed for a date in January.”

When I am stressed, I get particularly resistant to the prospect of change and uncertainty, even if it is over a relatively minor stressor. Aside from fear, at that moment I also started to feel frustration melded with fury. Why me? I wondered. I was so close to finishing the term! How was I going to relax and enjoy the holidays at the thought of this exam vaguely looming somewhere on the horizon?

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Athena Milios
Invisible Illness

Greek-Canadian, clinical pharmacist with a master's in psychiatry. I love writing stories and poems around mental health to exercise my creative bone!