How to Create an Anti-Anxiety Kit

Create a care package for your future self

Amanda O’Bryan
Invisible Illness
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2020


Photo by Sebastian on Unsplash

I have a terrible fear of flying. And it’s not that the plane will crash no, it’s claustrophobia. Being crammed into a metal tube with a hundred other people and no possibility for escape, well, that’s pretty much my worst nightmare.

This past Christmas, I was going to fly internationally for the first time, and my anxiety was through the roof. From the moment I bought the place ticket, I started to feel panicky. I’d see planes flying overhead and get a little jolt of fear. And we live five minutes from the airport, so that didn’t help either.

I’m part of a Facebook group, “women who travel,” and one day, I saw that someone had posted that even though they love to travel and do so often, their anxiety had gotten worse lately, and did anyone have any tips?

Most of the tips were 1) alcohol and 2) drugs.

Well, I’m sober, so these tips weren’t super helpful. But it did get me thinking. First of all, so many people in this group commiserated, and these were adventurous world travelers! I’d assumed everyone in this group had zero anxiety, so this made me feel a little better. I’ve always said my fear of flying wasn’t going to keep me from actually going places. And here were many inspiring women that were not letting…

