How to Deal With Repetitive, Obsessive Thinking

Stop punishing yourself. You don’t deserve it.

Jim Sullivan
Invisible Illness
Published in
12 min readFeb 3, 2020


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Obsession is a double-edged sword…

With the right mindset, it can help build great cities, produce stunning pieces of art and change the world for the better.

With the wrong mindset, it has the power to destroy people’s happiness, radically change your personality and even kill you.

I wish I could say I was one of those obsessively-minded people that used his curse (and that’s exactly what it is, a curse) to help change lives for the better. Perhaps invent something that helps brings mankind back from the brink of destruction.

I wish I was that guy.

Unfortunately, when you’ve been dealing with obsessive tendencies for as long as I have (from the age of 12 or 13) and you get stuck in a very specific train of thought, it can be hard to change the direction of your pain to something much more positive and productive.

Instead, it consumes you on a daily basis.

But before I go any further, I want to clarify exactly what I mean by Obsessive Thinking.

The emphasis is on the Thinking part — I’m lucky enough not to have been burdened with any form of physical OCD. Not that I’m aware of, anyway.



Jim Sullivan
Invisible Illness

Putting one word in front of the other. Mental Health, Creativity, Productivity, Relationships and more. Buy me a coffee if you like my stuff!