How to explain depression

Helen Olivier
Invisible Illness


Photo by naniwa23 -Pixabay

Depression is a multifaceted illness. The combination of symptoms is a bit different for everyone. But one of the symptoms that is most difficult to explain — at least for me — is the lack of motivation.

It’s so common to be labeled as “lazy”. Even I struggle not to think about myself this way. People so often just don’t understand.

So I came up with an explanation. You can show it to your friends who don’t understand how crippling illness can depression be:

Have you ever tried to convince yourself to do something really difficult? Something that you know is good for you, but you very very much just don’t want to do it? Working out. Taking an ice-cold shower in the morning. Pick your own battle.

Imagine that exact moment just before beginning, when you are trying to gather the willpower. Picture this feeling. Hold it in your mind.

It’s not easy, is it? Some days, it will seem nearly impossible. And some days, you will fail to do it at all.

Now I want you to imagine that this is how you feel before every single daily task, however small.

You feel this way before brushing your teeth.

You feel this way before washing your hair.



Helen Olivier
Invisible Illness

Neurodivergent, curious, overthinker, overfeeler. 🌈 Ebook with strategies for managing time blindness: