How to Master your Self In One Easy Lesson

Defeating your biggest enemy: yourself

Fabio Floyesa
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2020


The inner self has become an esoteric cliché. I use it to refer to our subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. It’s your identity that is often hidden from you because we can’t bear the reality. Looking and searching for our deepest problems in parts of our mind, that we don’t want to touch, requires great power and courage. But we benefit tremendously from it.

We have to distinguish between the outer world and the inner world. While many people may be masters of interaction with friends and family, we can’t say that often about their interaction with their inner selves. Conquering the inner self is one of the most important challenges in our life. Because without this much-needed conquest, one can never free himself from inner suffering. You may dream of becoming rich, famous and having perfect relationships. Yet, many people have these things and still suffer from inner turmoil.

“Mighty he may be who conquers others, but mightier still, is he who has conquered himself.” ~ Lao Tzu

But we can also observe the opposite. While the world is a dark place, one can master every circumstance and situation by having a better composure. This skill directly links to our inner selves.



Fabio Floyesa
Invisible Illness

Rhizomatic Stratoanalyst. Daily essays. Aspiring bull fighter