How to Re-wire Your Brain to be More Productive

It starts with developing simple and meaningful habits

Published in
7 min readJun 13, 2020


You must have read this a million times, or this may be the first time you’re reading it — our brain can change itself.

We have the inherent power to change our brains to make it better (or worse).

How amazing is that! Small sustained steps taken every day can lead to a whole new level of transformation of our brain. What moves through your mind, shapes the brain.

“Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.”- Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Merely having the neuron numbers will not help. Developing and strengthening the connections between them is the key to being more responsive and more able. Neurons that stay without connection for long, slowly wither away and die.

Each one of us wants to get more work done by doing less; this is the result of a smarter brain. We can physically make the most central part of our body more powerful, which is responsible for almost everything we do and achieve in life. In my opinion, this is a superpower no other part of our body enjoys. We cannot make our arms longer just by thinking now, can we?



Invisible Illness

Engineer by education and profession. Beginner runner. Curious about anything and everything. Always learning.