Health | Disability | Personal Finance
I Can’t Afford Treatment for My Brain Injury Anymore
The real reason some people with post-concussion syndrome and other chronic conditions don’t get better
Anxiety has been eating away at me this month.
I’ve been worried about medical bills to the point where I’m nauseous and teary-eyed daily. Bills for my brain injury treatment plan, to be specific.
After years of battling the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, my medical team finally figured out what treatments I needed to get better.
I was excited and optimistic. After all, some people never figure out how to treat their post-concussion syndrome. Brain injuries are notoriously difficult to manage, even for alleged experts.
But I had answers, and these answers led to a treatment plan. To get better, all I needed was speech therapy, vestibular therapy, physical therapy, and vision therapy. Standard post-concussion protocol, actually, according to friends in my brain injury support group.
Insurance refused to pay for any of these things.
This is a common problem for patients with post-concussion syndrome. I can get all the psych meds and muscle…