Health | Disability | Personal Finance

I Can’t Afford Treatment for My Brain Injury Anymore

The real reason some people with post-concussion syndrome and other chronic conditions don’t get better

Invisible Illness
Published in
7 min readAug 6, 2024


A male medical provider wearing green scrubs gently pushes a woman’s head to the side to test her neck’s range of motion
Image credit: Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Anxiety has been eating away at me this month.

I’ve been worried about medical bills to the point where I’m nauseous and teary-eyed daily. Bills for my brain injury treatment plan, to be specific.

After years of battling the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, my medical team finally figured out what treatments I needed to get better.

I was excited and optimistic. After all, some people never figure out how to treat their post-concussion syndrome. Brain injuries are notoriously difficult to manage, even for alleged experts.

But I had answers, and these answers led to a treatment plan. To get better, all I needed was speech therapy, vestibular therapy, physical therapy, and vision therapy. Standard post-concussion protocol, actually, according to friends in my brain injury support group.

Insurance refused to pay for any of these things.

This is a common problem for patients with post-concussion syndrome. I can get all the psych meds and muscle…



Invisible Illness

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.