
I Love My ADHD Side But Hate The Autistic One

I know that people usually have it the other way around

Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2023


Two twin young women lying on a grass, faces framed by curly hair pressed together, one upside down to the other
Photo by Marlon Alves on Unsplash

I didn’t know I was autistic or had ADHD until adulthood. Then I was diagnosed with both at once. I went for the assessment for autism and got two diagnoses for the price of one.

The autism I kind of expected, even if I debated with myself for years if I can be really autistic, or if I’m just making it all up. Ironically, It didn’t occur to me that I could have ADHD — but when I got the diagnosis, I thought “Huh. Of course. That totally makes sense.

I accepted my ADHD side immediately. I still haven’t found my peace with the autistic side. I have a problem identifying with it because of my internalized ableism and outdated stereotypes of what autism looks like that still somehow live in my unconscious mind. I have autistic imposter syndrome. I’m having trouble accepting autism as a part of my identity.

The ADHD side wants to live to the fullest… and the autistic side is holding her back

For me, the ADHD side represents my ideal self — adventurous, bold, friendly, outgoing. She is the person I want to be. She longs to live the life I yearn for: having adventures…



Invisible Illness

Neurodivergent, curious, overthinker, overfeeler. Find my thoughts, love letters to life, freebies and other stuff: 🧡