I Took Päntsdrunk To The Extreme As A Stay At Home Mum And A Stay At Home Drinker

Gayle Macdonald
Invisible Illness


The thought of surviving in my own home without alcohol terrified me — after all what else was I supposed to do?

Working from home and being a stay at home Mum is what allowed my drinking to get out of control. I was, after all, free from the judgement of other people and able to indulge and recover however I wanted without the constraints of a regular job. If I was hungover then I could go back to bed after the school run and if the kids had a day off school then there was no reason why I couldn’t take advantage and start drinking well before the usual time. I thought I was grown up, I was certain that a beer at 11 am helped my creativity but deep down I felt that being a home drinker was perhaps the worst kind of drinker, my guilt and anxiety escalted as I slobbed out on the sofa each evening .

Being free to drink unchecked put me on a downward spiral and the worst part was that I was terrified of learning how to live within my own four walls whenever I thought about giving up alcohol — what on earth was I supposed to do all day? Everybody is different when it comes to drinking, but many people are just like I was — they prefer drinking at home.

Drinking at home does have its ‘benefits’ you have only got to look at the Scandinavian Päntsdrunk trend which…



Gayle Macdonald
Invisible Illness

Gayle is a tea drinking mum of two, life and sobriety coach. Gayle helps women to quit drinking & feel good.. https://sober-bliss.com/