If You Hate Therapy, Get a New Therapist

Maybe yours isn’t a good fit for you

Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2021


Image credit: George Rudy

“I walked out of my therapist’s office today.”

Surprised, I asked my friend why. She explained her reasons for leaving, and I agreed that she did the right thing.

I didn’t tell her this, but she wasn’t the first person to confess that she walked out of therapy. I’ve had multiple friends ditch their therapist mid-session. I’ve also sat there, shocked, as my former partner stormed away during a counseling appointment.

It’s normal to feel some unwanted emotions, including stress and anger, during therapy sessions. However, you shouldn’t feel completely miserable — especially not after every visit. If you hate therapy, maybe the problem isn’t you. You might just need a new therapist.

Before you completely give up on therapy or counseling, consider these 3 things:

1) Therapy is a business relationship

Think about the coworkers, clients, and supervisors you’ve worked with over the years. No matter how friendly you are, you probably don’t like everyone you’ve met in the business world. In fact, you may completely despise some of your current or former colleagues.



Invisible Illness

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.