If You’re Feeling Stagnant in Your Therapy, Don’t Give up Yet

Hitting a plateau is normal

Carine Ru
Published in
5 min readDec 19, 2020


Original Photo by Snowscat on Unsplash, Illustrated by Author

Beginning therapy can feel like breaking a spell. It’s hard to always be in tune with what you’re feeling. A lot of us like to keep certain things to ourselves. Having a judgment-free zone to talk and express those feelings can be a freeing experience.

In my first year of therapy, I had many breakthroughs. Especially once I broke through the initial awkwardness of telling a stranger my life story and some of my darkest secrets.

Initially, I thought it might just feel weird. And I had some bad experiences with therapists before. But once you find the right one, things start to change.

Finally, I thought to myself. Things are finally going to change.

Until we hit a rut.

The Breakthrough Drug

Breakthroughs can feel like a rush, especially if you’ve been suffering for a long time. But the truth is, a lot of times those breakthroughs only happen at the very surface of deeply rooted problems.

In the beginning, therapy made me feel energized. I couldn’t wait to come back for more. Things were finally moving, where I felt stuck for years. It truly felt like a drug. I was obsessed.



Carine Ru
Invisible Illness

Mental Health / Psychology, UX / Marketing, and Self. Get unlimited access to Medium and support my writing: https://carineru.medium.com/membership