I’ve Never Experienced Loss, and I Feel Guilty About That

How to cope with never learning how to cope

Katlyn Gallo
Published in
8 min readMar 28, 2021


Photo by Marcus Ganahl on Unsplash

I’m in my mid-20s and I can say I’ve never experienced a profound loss where I’ve found myself mourning.

Not many people can say that at my age, and for that reason I find myself feeling guilty. I feel guilty I haven’t experienced a loss that’s affected me to the point where I feel a deep ache and sadness in my heart.

I don’t often share these feelings, because I feel that when I do, I’m tempting fate. However, I’ve read a few recent articles about death (not as morbid as it sounds) and I always find myself wondering what it’s like to mourn. What it means to cope.

Oftentimes I feel like an outsider looking in on a club I’m not a member of. A club of people that have experienced the loss of loved ones, and it’s not one I want to be a part of, but at the same time we all become a member at some point in our lives.

And I guess, for others like me, we’re spared for the first 25 years of our life.

Now, this isn’t to say I’ve never dealt with the passing of someone I know because I have. Many times over actually.

But the experiences I’ve had have always been indirect.



Katlyn Gallo
Invisible Illness

Coffee lover, bookworm, and InfoSec enthusiast | Find me on Twitter & Instagram: @ktgblogstech