Just. Slow. Down.

Rich Goddard
Invisible Illness
2 min readApr 24, 2020


Originally featured in the Monday State of Mind newsletter — subscribe here.

In the 21st century, life. moves. fast.

We can have anything we want delivered to us that day, in just a few clicks. We can voice our opinion to millions within seconds. We can spread a virus to every corner of the world within months.

We work so fast that our bodies and minds are pushed to the limit. We consume so fast that the planet can’t handle it. We feel stressed because we’re doing so much; yet feel anxious that we’re not doing enough.

The culture we’re in makes us constantly crave for more than we need; to process more information than our brains can handle; to go faster than our minds can keep up.

We live in a constant state of busy, never taking a moment to just. slow. down.

And now that culture is disrupted. So we scramble for ways to make it go fast again. Subscribe to everything, order everything, digitally streamline everything, learn everything, do everything, drink everything.

When, for most of us, this could really be a chance to just. slow. down.

One day, we’ll get out of this situation, and everyone will celebrate! And we’ll do more of everything, buy more of everything, consume more, drink more, work harder, play harder and be, do and have everything we ever dreamed of, and more!

Unless — we look back one day, to realise that the one thing we learned at the time when everything stopped, was that, sometimes, it’s OK to just…

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Rich Goddard
Invisible Illness

Coach, consultant, Editor@ Monday State of Mind newsletter; exploring mental health, minds &emotions in the 21st century. www.mondaystateofmind.com/subscribe