
Stacey Lehrer
Invisible Illness
1 min readFeb 25, 2017


  • By Unique Dae’Shawn Thompson

Lost in a tornado.

I can’t find my way.

I’m without a word to say.

I don’t know what to do.

I turn around to ask you…

And you’re gone.

What’s wrong?

Do you like leaving me alone?

I’m angry and I don’t know why.

I try to cry sometimes nothing happens.

I’m whirling and swirling and destroying…

Everything and everyone in my path.

I’m angry


I have no clue

I’m lost in my own tornado that seems to have no end.

Can you tell me is that a sin?

Unique was a close friend of mine who lived with mental illness as well as a physical disability, and passed away last year. She used to find comfort in writing, and while most of her work was lost, some of her poems have survived. You can read her story here: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/uniques-story-mental-illness-friendship-and-the-importance-of-connection-aad65468a621#.shnabtqrf

