Lost at Sea

Invisible Illness


Photo by Lukas Robertson on Unsplash

I am a ship without a rudder
Drifting on a night without a star
Buoyant in the wind
But my sorrows know how to swim

No land in sight
Darkness swallows my appetite
Tasteless is hope
Someone hand me the rope

Consumed by fear
The wind licks salt of my tears
Defeated by the waves
I travel to my grave

But on this night
There is a flicker of light
I have to decide
Sink in the tide
Or swim with pride?

Punching through the weight
I do not take the bait
Casting my faith
In a tomorrow that awaits

Dawn breaks
But my heart still aches
Heavy I am pulled
A purpose yet fulfilled



Invisible Illness

Passing off my stream of consciousness as means of social commentary. Read at will.