Mental Health Care Shouldn’t Be So Difficult and Expensive

There are too many barriers to care for those of us who struggle with our mental health.

Jennifer Nelson
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2020


I never intended to go off my meds.

And when I did stop them temporarily because I had trouble getting refills while I was living in my car, I certainly didn’t intend to be off of them for five months.

Now that I’m trying to get back onto my mental health medications, I’m having to put in a bunch of energy that I just don’t have right now to find a provider, and I’m borrowing money for the ridiculously expensive appointment I need in order to get refills.

The thing about struggling with a mental illness is that even simple tasks feel much more difficult, so it feels especially cruel to put so many barriers in place that make it hard for those of us who are the most vulnerable. It’s no wonder so many people who need it aren’t in any kind of treatment.

Where do I even start with the barriers to treatment?

Even when you have good health insurance, trying to stay in therapy and on medication is difficult, frustrating, and often expensive.

Trying to get, and stay, on medication is an adventure in and of itself. While some family doctors feel comfortable…

