My Birth Defect Changed Me: From Innocent to Misfit and Victim to Hero

A year of testing, surgery, embarrassment, and pain led to being more than a survivor

Gentry Bronson
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readApr 30, 2022


Hospital tubes and fluids
Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

My mom, dad, and I were all in a patient waiting room in Minneapolis. A small room in an area of the children’s hospital. I was cold, wearing nothing but a thin, paper hospital gown.

It was the late 80s and I had turned 15 the day before. Half my head was shaved and I wore my hair ratted out and hanging over one eye. My earrings had been removed and no eyeliner traced my eyes, but my fingernails were still black.

A doctor came into the room. He was wearing a white smock, had a thick, black mustache, and spoke with a slight Latino accent. He was one of the two doctors they had flown in to do the surgery to remove my birth defect.

I had spent the entire last year being tested to find out what was wrong with my kidneys. There was no indication anything was wrong other than what doctors said. I suffered no pain and felt no symptoms, but I was told I had a major health issue that needed to be resolved.

A routine physical a full year before had set everything in motion, and now they believed they had found the problem. My operation was going to be filmed because it was so unique.



Gentry Bronson
Invisible Illness

Creative & Media Producer. Writer. Editor. Composer. Songwriter. Pianist. Traveler. Singer. Surfer. Waterman. @gentrybronson