My Depression Was Caused By Undiagnosed ADHD and Autism

Understanding how my brain works has been priceless for my mental health.

Jennifer Nelson
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readMar 23, 2024


A person in a red jacket looks out at an orange sunset over water.
Photo by Quintin Gellar on Pexels.

I’ve struggled with depression (that was labeled as bipolar disorder for about 15 years) off and on since I was 12. Discovering that I’m AuDHD a couple of years ago has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my symptoms because I finally understand why my brain works the way it does, and I’m able to forgive myself for things that are the result of autism or ADHD rather than the personal failings I thought they were.

Perhaps other people can relate to my story?

Depression and Undiagnosed ADHD

SO MUCH of my depression was tied to feeling like I wasn’t good enough.

Why did I feel like I wasn’t good enough?

Because I “tested well” and was clearly an intelligent child, I was expected to get straight As. Apart from the annoyingly frequent B in gym or art class, I managed okay in elementary school because each topic was interesting enough to keep my brain engaged. (Looking back, elementary school was probably easier for my autism, too, but I’ll get into that more later.)

My problems really started when I hit middle school.

